Common Questions

Here are some of the most commonly asked questions about our fetal dopplers. Don't forget, you can always reach out to our friendly staff if you have any questions or concerns.

Is BabyHeart FDA cleared?

Yes, every BabyHeart fetal doppler is FDA cleared with registration number 3008973759.

Why do some doctors advise against using home doppler monitors?
At home fetal dopplers are a great way to connect with your unborn baby, but please note that they do not replace the medical advice/guidance of your doctor. Your doctor might ask that you do not rely on a fetal doppler as the only source for listening to your baby’s heartbeat. Home users are not as skilled as medical professionals and may receive false readings causing them to panic. They might also misread the test and overlook something very important that could show your baby needs medical attention. Please be sure to consult your doctor with any queries that you may have around your pregnancy and baby.
What should the fetal heart rate typically be?
A typical fetal heart rate is between 120 and 160 beats per minute (BPM). It does vary greatly based on a wide range of factors including movement, sleep cycles and other baby activity.
Is the fetal doppler measurement reliable?
Typically, fetal doppler measurements are reliable but there are some factors that could cause the measurement to read improperly including:
  • Smoking tobacco products.
  • Drinking large amounts of caffeine.
  • Extra noises, such as the mother's heartbeat or stomach rumbling, can mask the signals.
  • Sleep patterns.
  • Baby movement.
Can a fetal doppler replace ultrasound appointments?
Our BabyHeart fetal doppler monitors work similar to an ultrasound, but they shouldn’t be used as a replacement for regular ultrasound appointments and doctor visits.
Should I use ultrasound gel?
Ultrasound gel is recommended as it enables better skin contact for the doppler probe. However, any gel lubricant will work.
Which mobile devices are supported for models that can be connected to an application?
The fetal doppler device app is compatible with iOS devices (iPhone, iPad, iPod) and Android phones and tablets.
Is my baby’s heart rate normal?

If you are receiving a measurement of 120 to 160 BPM, your baby’s heart rate is considered normal. Measurements which are lower than 120 BPM could be your own heart rate and you should reposition the probe. We always recommend contacting your physician with questions about your baby's heart rate.

I hear two heartbeats. Why?
If you are hearing more than one heartbeat, you could either be hearing the same heartbeat in two different locations, or you are pregnant with twins. If you’re in the later stages of pregnancy and the two heartbeats are within 10 beats per minute of each other, it’s probably just one fetus.
Why can’t I hear anything? Does it mean my baby is having complications?
If you are unable to hear your baby’s heartbeat, don’t panic. Your baby could be too small for the doppler to detect its heartbeat and you should wait until your baby is more developed. Your baby could also be in a position which makes it difficult for the monitor to pick up the heartbeat. However, if you have a feeling something is wrong, contact your physician.